Download CIE GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 4
As a premium School History member, you can download all of the CIE GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 4 modules below:
- A The First World War, 1914–18
- B Germany, 1918–45
- C Russia, 1905–41
- D The United States, 1919–41
- E The Second World War in Europe and the Asia–Pacific, 1939–1945
Paper 4 Downloads and Specifications
Mock exam papers with detailed mark schemes designed for CIE.
(NOTE: This is based on version 1 of the syllabus, published February 2022.)
Exam Paper Details
Students following CIE are required to do coursework (Component 3) as part of their GCSE, or write Paper 4 as an alternative to coursework. Paper 4 is a 1-hour paper worth 40 marks and counts 30% of the total GCSE. Students answer one question on a Depth Study.
Topics for Paper 4 Depth Studies are:
- A The First World War, 1914–18
- B Germany, 1918–45
- C Russia, 1905–41
- D The United States, 1919–41
- E The Second World War in Europe and the Asia–Pacific, 1939–1945
CIE GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 4 (2024)
Practice exam booklets covering every CIE topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the CIE mark scheme.
CIE GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 4 (2024)
Practice exam booklets covering every CIE topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the CIE mark scheme.