Polygamy SEN Activity


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POLYGAMY – having more than one wife at the same time.

A wealthy Native American man might have more than one wife. He could have as many wives as he wanted as long as he could provide for them all.

The men were hunters. The women did many things such as quilling, beadwork, preparing and cooking food. They were also responsible for the Tepee. If the man was a good hunter he would bring lots of work home. Having more wives meant that the work could be shared.

Many men were killed in war and in hunting, so there were more women than men. If a man’s brother died, he would marry the widow and take the children.

To the Sioux Indians, Polygamy seemed a perfect solution. It meant one wife did not have too much work, and everyone could be looked after properly.

Facts PDF Worksheet:

    • Aimed at Students studying at UK Year 8/9 or equivalent
    • Free to download
    • Use as you wish in the classroom or home environment
    • Structured study guide and spider diagram.