Teach any Edexcel module 32: Mao’s China, 1945–76, no prep needed!
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32 Mao’s China, 1945–76
In this module, students will cover the following topics in line with the Edexcel specifications booklet. Detailed information for the module can be found on page 42-43.
Topics include:
Key topic 1: Establishing communist rule, 1945–59
- The Civil War, 1945–49
- Communist rule
- Consolidating the CCP’s hold on power, 1951-52
- The Hundred Flowers campaign, 1956-57
Key topic 2: Economic policy, 1949–65
- Early changes in agriculture, 1949-57
- Industry and the Five-Year Plan, 1953-57
- The Great Leap Forward
- Economic reform
Key topic 3: The Cultural Revolution and its aftermath, 1966–76
- Reasons for the Cultural Revolution
- The Red Guards and the Red Terror
- The effects of the Cultural Revolution
- The end of the Cultural Revolution, 1968-76
Key topic 4: Life in Mao’s China, 1949–76
- Communist control
- Family life and the role of women
- Education and health
- Cultural change
This module download also includes the following teaching resources:
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 3 (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 4 (pdf)
- Module 2 Economic Reform Blank Chart (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 2 (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 1 (pdf)
- Module 1 Differences Between Capitalism And Maoism Diagram (pdf)
- Module 4 Communist Control Over China Worksheet (pdf)
- Module 2 Economic Reform Info Hunt (docx)
- Module 2 Lushan Conference Handout (pdf)
- Module 1 The Hundred Flowers Campaign Comprehension Activity Sheet (pdf)
- Module 4 Footbinding (mp4)
- Module 2 Economic Reform Blank Chart (docx)
- Module 3 Impact Of The Cultural Revolution (pdf)
- Module 2 Economic Reform Info Hunt (pdf)
- Module 2 Chinese Industry And The Five-Year Plans (pdf)
- Module 3 Socialist-Education-Movement (mp4)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 3 (docx)
- Module 1 Ccp Strengths And Weakness Information (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 4 (docx)
- Module 3 Communists-Nationalists-And-Chinas-Revolutions-Crash-Course-World-History-37 (mp4)
- Module 1 Main Threats To The Ccp And Mao In 1951 (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 2 (docx)
- Module 3 Still-Ashamed-Of-My-Part-In-Maos-Cultural-Revolution---Bbc-News (mp4)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Information Sheet 1 (docx)
- Module 1 Early Changes In Agriculture Keywords (pdf)
- Module 4 Communist Control Over China Worksheet (docx)
- Module 3 Impact Of The Cultural Revolution (docx)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Chart (pdf)
- Module 1 Early Changes In Agriculture Keywords (docx)
- Module 3 Impact Of The Cultural Revolution Data (pdf)
- Module 1 The Hundred Flowers Campaign Comprehension Activity Sheet (docx)
- Module 2 Lushan Conference Handout (pptx)
- Module 2 Kinetichistory-The-Great-Leap-Forward (mp4)
- Module 3 What-Was-Chinas-Cultural-Revolution-And-Why-Was-It-So-Violent (mp4)
- Module 1 Agricultural Timeline (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Chart (docx)
- Module 2 Impact Of The Cultural Revolution (docx)
- Module 1 Main Threats To The Ccp And Mao In 1951 (docx)
- Module 1 Causes Of The Chinese Civil War (pdf)
- Module 1 The Four Phases Of The Chinese Civil War Completed Sheet (docx)
- Module 2 Chinese Industry And The Five-Year Plans (docx)
- Module 3 Impact Of The Cultural Revolution (pptx)
- Module 1 Differences Between Capitalism And Maoism Diagram (docx)
- Module 3 Cultural Revolution 1966-76 (pptx)
- Module 1 Economic Reform Info Hunt (docx)
- The Cultural Revolution101 (pdf)
- Module 2 Economic Policy 1949-65 (pptx)
- Module 1 Ccp Strengths And Weakness Information (docx)
- Module 1 Causes Of The Chinese Civil War (docx)
- Module 4 Life In Mao S China 1949-76 (pptx)
- Module 1 Agricultural Timeline (docx)
- Module 1 Establishing Communist Rule 1945-1959 (pptx)
- Edexcel GCSE History Exam Booklets (zip)