Teach any Edexcel module 11: The British sector, 1914–18, no prep needed!
Do you want to save dozens of hours in time? Get your evenings and weekends back? Be fully prepared to teach any Edexcel GCSE topic 11?
Every Edexcel topic 11 is covered, and each module comes complete with:
11 The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18
Through the study of Medicine in Britain, c.1250-present, students have come to understand the broad changes that took place from medieval times right through to the 21st century. Through understanding patterns of change, students will be able to link key individuals and institutions with changing attitudes, treatments and knowledge.
The historic environment of this specification covers the British sector of the Western Front of WWI, particularly the kinds of injuries as a result of new weapons, conditions in the trenches and their impact on health, and changes to treatment through new technologies and knowledge.
This module covers the following:
- Injuries, treatment and the trenches
- The context of the British sector of Western Front and the theatre of war in Flanders and northern France
- Conditions requiring medical treatment on the Western Front
- The work of the RAMC and FANY, the system of transport and chain of evacuation
- The significance of the Western Front for experiments in surgery and medicine
- The historical context of medicine in the early twentieth century