Teach any Edexcel IGCSE module : Development of a nation: unification of Italy, 1848–70, no prep needed!
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Every Edexcel iGCSE topic is covered, and each module comes complete with:
Paper 1: Depth Studies, Development of a Nation, Unification of Italy, 1848-70
What students need to learn::
The 1848 Revolutions in the Italian states
- The causes of the 1848 Revolutions in the Italian states, including new constitutions in Tuscany and Piedmont;
- Mazzini’s failed democratic revolt against the Pope in Rome.
- Reasons for failure of the 1848 Revolution.
- The legacy of the 1848 Revolutions: Victor Emmanuel and the Statuto, the impact of Austrian dominance, the impact on the papacy, the French occupation of Rome.
Developments in Piedmont, 1849–54
- Political developments in Piedmont;
- The rule of Victor Emmanuel II;
- The appointment of Cavour (1852) and its impact.
- Cavour’s financial and domestic reforms, economic expansion and his policies to reduce the influence of the Church.
The defeat of Austria, 1854–59
- Piedmont’s relationship with Austria.
- The significance of the Crimean War.
- Causes of the Second Italian War of Independence, including nationalism in Piedmont, relations with Napoleon III, the significance of the Orsini Affair and the Pact of Plombières.
- Origins, events and results of the Austrian war, including the significance of the battles of Magenta and Solferino;
- The Treaty of Villafranca;
- Cavour’s resignation;
- The annexation of the Central States and the loss of Nice and Savoy.
Garibaldi and the Papal States
- Garibaldi’s motives for intervention in Naples and Sicily and his relationship with Cavour and Victor Emmanuel II;
- Proclamation of Kingdom of Italy;
- Garibaldi’s successes in Sicily and Naples and the Papal States and the reaction of the great powers and Cavour;
- The establishment of the Kingdom of Italy.
Venice and Rome and the extent of unification by 1870
- Obstacles to unity after 1861: the role of Austria, France and the Pope, including ‘Piedmontisation’;
- Piedmont and Austro-Prussian War;
- The second battle of Custozza and Union with Venetia;
- The problem of Rome: the papacy and French occupation;
- The failure of Garibaldi’s diplomacy (1862–67);
- Piedmont and the Franco-Prussian War and the acquisition of Rome;
- Unity in 1870: factors promoting and working against unity.