Teach any Edexcel IGCSE module : Dictatorship and conflict in the USSR, 1924–53, no prep needed!
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Dictatorship and conflict in the USSR, 1924–53
For this history module, students need to learn about:
The leadership struggle, 1924-29
- The rivals for the leadership, including Stalin, Trotsky, Kamenev, Bukharin and Zinoviev;
- Strengths and weaknesses of Stalin and Trotsky;
- Stalin’s steps to power (1924–29), his emergence as the leader of the USSR and the reasons for his success.
Five-year Plans and collectivisation
- Stalin’s economic aims;
- Reasons for industrialisation, including the failings of the NEP;
- The nature of industrialisation, including Gosplan, the first three Five-year Plans, Stakhanovites;
- Success and failures of industrialisation;
- Reasons for and nature of collectivisation (1928);
- Kolkhoz and Motor TractorStations;
- Opposition of and removal of kulaks;
- Success and failures of collectivisation, including the Great Famine (1932–33).
Purges and show trials, the cult of Stalin and the revision of history
- Reasons for purges including the murder of Kirov;
- Key features of the purges of the 1930s;
- Control of the populace, including the roles of Yezhov, the NKVD and the gulags;
- The conditions in the gulags;
- Reasons for and features of the Moscow Show Trials (1936–38);
- Purges of the armed forces;
- Impact of the purges on the Soviet Union;
- Reasons for and methods of the cult of personality;
- Censorship, propaganda, ‘socialist realism’, control of education and the Soviet interpretation of history.
Life in the Soviet Union, 1924-41
- Effects of Stalin’s policies on living and working conditions in town and countryside;
- The differing experiences of social groups;
- Changes in family life and employment and in the political position of women;
- Changes in education;
- Reasons for, and features of, the persecution of ethnic minorities.
The Second World War and after, 1941-53
- The reasons for and extent of Soviet setbacks (1941–42), and the reasons for the survival of the USSR and success in driving back the German invasion, including war production;
- The significance of Stalingrad;
- Post-war recovery and the Fourth Five-year Plan;
- Stalin’s popularity;
- Post-war purges;
- The strength of the USSR on the death of Stalin in 1953 and the impact of his period in power.