Download Edexcel iGCSE Exam Booklets Paper 2
As a premium School History member, you can download all of the Edexcel iGCSE Exam Booklets Paper 2 modules below:
- A1 The origins and course of the First World War, 1905–18
- A2 Russia and the Soviet Union, 1905–24
- A3 The USA, 1918–41
- A4 The Vietnam Conflict, 1945–75
- A5 East Germany, 1958–90
- B1 America: from new nation to divided union, 1783–1877
- B2 Changes in medicine, c1848–c1948
- B3 Japan in transformation, 1853–1945
- B4 China: conflict, crisis and change, 1900–89
- ... and more
Paper 2 Downloads and Specifications
Mock exam papers with detailed mark schemes designed for Edexcel Paper 2: Investigation and Breadth Studies
(NOTE: For the year of 2021, GCSE exams in the UK will not go ahead and will be replaced by a form of teacher-assessed grades. For more information on how these will work, please visit Edexcel’s website.)
Exam Paper Details
In Paper 2, students will write an exam that is 1 hour and 30 minutes in length, comprising a mixture of extended writing and essay-based questions based on one selected Investigation and Breadth Study for a total of 60 marks and make up 50% of the total.
Students are required to write on one historical investigation from the following topics:
- A1 The origins and course of the First World War, 1905–18
- A2 Russia and the Soviet Union, 1905–24
- A3 The USA, 1918–41
- A4 The Vietnam Conflict, 1945–75
- A5 East Germany, 1958–90
And one breadth study from the following topics:
- B1 America: from new nation to divided union, 1783–1877
- B2 Changes in medicine, c1848–c1948
- B3 Japan in transformation, 1853–1945
- B4 China: conflict, crisis and change, 1900–89
- B5 The changing role of international organisations: the league and the UN, 1919–c2011
- B6 The changing nature of warfare and international conflict, 1919–2011
- B7 The Middle East: conflict, crisis and change, 1917–2012.
Edexcel International Paper 2 (2021)
Practice exam booklets covering every Edexcel topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the Edexcel mark scheme.
Edexcel International Paper 2 (2020)
Practice exam booklets covering every Edexcel topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the Edexcel mark scheme.