The Acts of Union of 1707, the Hanoverian succession and the Jacobite rebellions of 1715 and 1745 KS3 Teaching Resources

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Every The Acts of Union of 1707 topic is covered, and each module comes complete with:

Lesson Presentation

Revision Notes

Student Activities


KS3 The Acts of Union of 1707, the Hanoverian succession and the Jacobite rebellions of 1715 and 1745 Resources

For centuries of British history, the kingdoms of Scotland and England were at war with each other: Scotland wished to remain independent with its own monarch, while England wanted to expand its kingdom to include Scotland under one English monarch. When Elizabeth I died in 1603 without a direct heir, the next in line to the throne was Mary, Queen of Scot’s son, James VI who was King of Scotland. This meant that one monarch now reigned over two kingdoms via the Union of the Crowns. However, there was a technicality - although there was one monarch reigning over each kingdom, they remained independent kingdoms. Thus, in 1707, the Acts of Union sought to bring England and Scotland into one united kingdom under the name Great Britain.

Learn more about the Acts of Union, its historical context, impact, implications and legacy with our KS3 resources. You’ll find Student Activities, Lesson Presentation, and Revision Notes ready to download below. KS3 resources are ideally suited for Years 7, 8 and 9, or ages 11-14.

Resource Examples

Lesson Presentation:

Student Activities:

Revision Notes: