Download Murder of Thomas Becket Story
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Lesson Snapshot:
King Henry II was very angry at religious people in England such as monks. This is because if they broke a law – like murder – they were allowed to go to a church court instead of a normal court and as long as they said they were sorry and prayed they were set free. When the Archbishop of Canterbury died Henry II could choose who replaced him – he chose Thomas Becket. He wanted Becket to help him change the law so that monks, priests and nuns would have to pay for their crimes… Thomas Becket was not at all religious!
Powerpoint Lesson Plan:
- Aimed at Students studying across UK Year 7,8 & 9 or equivalent
- Premium resource
- Use as you wish in the classroom or home environment
- Structured powerpoint presentation and challenging tasks.
- Complete lesson plan on the background to the murder of Thomas Becket.
- 20 page comprehensive lesson plan.