Britain in Peace and War, 1900–1918 OCR B GCSE History 9-1 Lesson Resources

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Exam Booklets (2020 Syllabus)

PowerPoint Presentations

Student Assessments

Quiz Questions


Component 1: British Depth study, Britain in Peace and War, 1900–1918

What students need to learn:

  • Wealth - Issue: Tensions in Edwardian society 
    • Britain’s power and wealth at the beginning of the twentieth century: an overview of industry, empire, military strength, technology and cities
    • Class distinctions: the lives of the upper, middle and working classes
    • Rowntree’s investigation into the nature of poverty 
  • Politics - Issue: Threats to political stability
    • Strengths and weaknesses of the established parties and the rise of the Labour Party
    • The Liberal reforms, the People’s Budget, the clash with the Lords and the Parliament Act of 1911
    • The challenge from militant labour including the crisis years between 1910 and 1914 
  • Women - Issue: The nature and extent of support for women’s suffrage
    • Women’s lives at the beginning of the twentieth century
    • The campaigns for the vote: suffragists, suffragettes, support and opposition
    • The relationship between Government responses and changes to the campaigns, 1910–1914 
  • Empire - Issue: British attitudes towards the Empire
    • Differing attitudes towards the British Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century including responses to the Boer War
    • India: differing British attitudes toward the Raj, 1900–1914 
    • Ireland: differing attitudes to the Home Rule crisis, 1912–1914 
  • War - Issue: Responses to the demands of total war
    • Government policy and propaganda in response to the changing demands of war including early recruitment, conscription and DORA
    • Men’s responses to the demands of the war including volunteering, pals’ battalions and conscientious objection
    • Women’s responses to the demands of the war including volunteering, employment and development in the suffrage campaign

Resource Examples

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Lesson Presentation:

Student Assessments: