Teach any OCR B module : The First Crusade, c.1070–1100, no prep needed!
Do you want to save dozens of hours in time? Get your evenings and weekends back? Be fully prepared to teach any OCR B GCSE topic?
Every OCR B topic is covered, and each module comes complete with:
Component 3: World Depth study, The First Crusade, c.1070–1100
What students need to learn:
- Origins c.1070–1095
- The Islamic world, including its diversity and its relations with Christians
- Pressures on the Byzantine Empire
- Latin Christendom and the power of the papacy
- Responses November 1095 to December 1096
- Urban II and the preaching of the First Crusade
- Joining the First Crusade: who went and why
- The People’s Crusade and the challenges it faced Into Asia Minor
- Into Asia Minor December 1096 to October 1097
- Alexios I and his negotiations with the crusade leaders
- The siege of Nicaea and the Battle of Dorylaeum: the nature of Christian and Muslim warfare
- The journey across Asia Minor: physical challenges and disunity among the leadership
- Antioch October 1097 to June 1098
- The siege by the crusaders
- The capture of Antioch: rivalries, strategies and atrocities
- The events of June and the defeat of Kerbogha
- Jerusalem July 1098 to July 1100
- Disputes, delays and the journey to Jerusalem
- The capture of Jerusalem: preparations, tactics and the sack of the city
- The establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Muslim response