Teach any OCR module A1:3 : Poland 1956–1990, no prep needed!
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A1:3 Poland 1956–1990 (Removed from syllabus 2021)
This depth study focuses on the relationship between the Polish people and the Communist state in Poland from 1956–1990. Learners will need to be familiar with the key issues specified in the introduction to the non-British depth studies on page 14 of the specification. These issues will be assessed.
Gomułka 1956–1970
- Political protests in 1956, including Poznań and state reaction to protests;
- Gomułka’s national communism;
- Relations between Communist government and Catholic Church, including church building in Nowa Huta; reasons for, and impact of, state role in agriculture;
- Press freedoms; Gomułka’s relationship with workers’ councils;
- Anti-Semitism and its role in protest;
- March 1968;
- Baltic shipyard riots 1970;
- Gomułka’s resignation.
Gierek 1970–1980
- Continuing economic problems and reactions to them, including Łódź textile strikes in 1971, loans and foreign debt;
- Amendments to the Constitution in 1976;
- Development of organised opposition, including the letter of 59 in 1975, events of June 1976 and the establishment of the Workers’ Defence Committee;
- Reaction to the election of Cardinal Wojtyła to Pope 1978, including the Pope’s visit to Poland 1979;
- Emergence of Solidarity, including the role of Gdańsk shipyard in 1980;
- Solidarity’s membership, aims and leadership;
- Removal of Gierek.
Jaruzelski 1980–1990
- Emergence of Jaruzelski and military rule;
- The relationship between the state and Solidarity, including suspension, arrests and attacks; establishment of OPZZ 1984;
- Effect of strikes in 1981, including the warning strike;
- Escalating economic problems; the Pope’s visit to Poland 1983;
- Lech Wałęsa awarded Nobel Peace Prize 1983; war of information from underground Solidarity;
- Murder of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko 1984 and trial;
- Developments leading to the Round Table Agreements of 1989; changes to the Constitution 1989;
- The Balcerowicz Plan;
- Presidential election of Lech Wałęsa 1990.
This module download also includes the following teaching resources:
- Module 3 Solidarity How Poland Changed The World (mp4)
- Module 1 A Short Film About Gdansk 1970 (mp4)
- Module 3 Blessed Fr (mp4)
- Module 3 Lech Walesa- My Work Here Is Done (mp4)
- Module 3 Papal Visit To Poland 1983 (pptx)
- Module 2 First Visit Of John Paul Ii In Poland In 1979 (mp4)
- Module 3 Bbc News Sunday 13 December 1981 (mp4)
- Module 3 Lech Walesa Nobel Peace Prize Winner (docx)
- Module 3 The Creation Of The Opzz Student Glue In Sheet (pdf)
- Module 1 Anti-Semitism In Post-Wwii Poland (mp4)
- Module 2 Edward Gierek S Term As Polish Leader (docx)
- Module 1 Polish Cardinal Released 1956 (mp4)
- Module 3 Impact Of Solidarity (docx)
- Module 1 1956 October Protest Glue In Sheet (docx)
- Module 1 Baltic Shipyard Riots (docx)
- Module 1 The Lord S Ark (docx)
- Module 1 State Agricultural Farms (docx)
- Module 3 Murder And Trial Of Father Jerzy Popie Uszko (docx)
- Module 3 1981 Warning Strikes Project Prep Work (docx)
- Module 1 Gomulka S Response To The Anti-Semitic List Glue In (pdf)
- Module 3 The Martial Law In Poland 1981-1983 (mp4)
- Module 3 Nine Days That Changed The World Official Trailer (mp4)
- Module 2 Solidarity Movement Poland 1989 (mp4)
- Module 1 Gomulka Returns Triumphant 1956 (mp4)
- Module 1 The Poznan Protest Chart (pdf)
- Module 2 Synd 17 10 78 People Of Warsaw Reactions To New Polish Pope (mp4)
- Module 1 Political Protests In 1956 Poznan Poster Sheets (pptx)
- Module 3 1980- Lech Walesa Solidarity (mp4)
- Module 1 Poznan Riot Trial 1956 (mp4)
- Module 1 The Poznan Protest Chart (docx)
- Module 2 Election New Pope John-Paul Ii Cardinal Karel Wojtyla Of Poland Colour 1 (mp4)
- Module 1 Gomulka S Resignation Glue In Sheet (docx)
- Module 1 Poland 1956 (mp4)
- Module 1 Communist Government And Catholic Church Under Gomulka (pptx)
- Module 3 1981 Warning Strikes Project Prep Work (pdf)
- Module 1 Baltic Shipyard Riots (pdf)
- Module 1 Gomulka And The Worker (docx)
- Module 1 Gomulka S Resignation Glue In Sheet (pdf)
- Module 3 The Creation Of The Opzz Student Glue In Sheet (docx)
- Module 2 Solidarity (pptx)
- Module 1 Anti-Semitism In Poland (pptx)
- Module 1 Gomulka S Response To The Anti-Semitic List Glue In (docx)
- Module 1 The Lord S Ark (pdf)
- Module 3 Murder And Trial Of Father Jerzy Popie Uszko (pdf)
- Module 3 Emergence Of Jaruzelski And Military Rule (pptx)
- Module 1 Political Protests In 1956 Poznan Poster Sheets (pdf)
- Module 3 Lech Walesa Nobel Peace Prize Winner (pdf)
- Module 1 State Agricultural Farms (pdf)
- Module 1 Political Protests In 1956 Poznan (pptx)
- Module 1 Gomulka And The Worker (pdf)
- Module 2 Edward Gierek S Term As Polish Leader (pdf)
- Module 3 Impact Of Solidarity (pdf)
- Module 1 1956 October Protest Glue In Sheet (pdf)
- OCR GCSE History Exam Booklets (zip)