Teach any OCR module A2:3 : War and British Society c.790 to c.2010, no prep needed!
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A2:3 War and British Society c.790 to c.2010
This British thematic study focuses on the relationship between war and society over a long period of British history, c790 to c.2010. This includes a broad sweep of time which covers the impact of different types of warfare (including defence from invasion, conquest and civil war).
- Viking raids on Anglo-Saxon England 790–1066: impact of the raids; responses to the raids.
- The Norman Conquest: English resistance; the establishment of Norman control under William I; the establishment of the Feudal system; the extent of the impact of the changes introduced by the Normans on different levels of society.
- Feudal society c.1100–1215: feudal relationship between monarchs and barons; breakdowns in the relationship under Stephen 1135–1154 and John 1214–1216.
- Significance of war in medieval society c.1290–c.1450: changing nature of war and its effects; development and adaptation of feudal service; financial cost of war; impact on populations where armies fought or were stationed.
- Elizabeth I’s wars with Spain in Europe and in the new world, their impact on the prestige and power of the monarch and relations with Parliament; the actions of English privateers, including their impact on the security, economy and the people of England.
- Warfare on the English-Scottish borders and its impact on border society c.1500–c.1600.
- The Civil Wars of 1642–1651 in England, Scotland and Ireland: the nature of these wars; their impact on the people of England, Scotland and Ireland.
- The Jacobite Wars 1715 and 1745: the impact on Scotland of the repression of the Jacobites.
- Imperial wars in the 18th and early 19th centuries: gains made in Seven Years War (1756–1763) and their effects on Britain.
- Wars against Revolutionary / Napoleonic France and subsequent effects on British society and politics.
- Imperial conflicts in the second half of the 19th century: effects of the Crimean War; Boer Wars 1880–1881 and 1899–1902.
- The First and Second World Wars: the beginnings of ‘total war’, including the impact on people’s lives, increased state power and the changing relationship between the state and the people.
- Post-1945 conflicts – impacts and popular responses: Cold War and Britain in the 1950s and 1960s; IRA campaigns 1969–1994; the Iraq War 2003; terrorist threats and countermeasures post-2003.
Historic Environment: Kenilworth Castle
- As a military installation for defence
- As a military installation to maintain power over the population
- As a site used by rulers and/or rebels in times of civil war, rebellion or protest
- As a residence for elites
- As a political and administrative centre
This module download also includes the following teaching resources:
- L59 9-11 Consequences Wall Info (pdf)
- L4 Edward And Harold Relationship Chart (pdf)
- L3 How Powerful Was Edward The Confessor (pdf)
- L6 Press Release Stamford Bridge (pdf)
- L4 Info Hunt Posters (pdf)
- L8 Motte And Bailey Key Words (pptx)
- L8 Motte And Bailey Castle Diagram (pptx)
- L46 The Home Front Leaflet Task Sheet (pdf)
- L37 Life In The Trenches (pdf)
- L58 Iraq And Al-Qaeda Homework (pdf)
- L3 Anglo-Saxon Hierarchy Diagram (pdf)
- L8 Homework Castle Task (pptx)
- L11 Archbishop Of Canterbury (pdf)
- L5 Claimants To The Throne Blank Diagram (pptx)
- L40 Battle Scenarios (pdf)
- L40 Weapons Card Sort (pub)
- L44 Room Sources (pptx)
- L3 Anglo Saxon Legal System And Economic Structure (pdf)
- L8 Motte And Bailey Key Words (pdf)
- L9 The Causes And Outcomes Of Anglo Saxon Resistance (pdf)
- L36 Trench Warfare Source Activity (pptx)
- L60 War On Terror Afghanistan And Karzai S Government (pdf)
- L36 Trench Diagram To Label (pdf)
- L43 Women Sources (pptx)
- L10 Revolt Of The Earls 1075 (pdf)
- L3 Anglo Saxon Hierarchy Info Hunt Material (pdf)
- L40 Weapon Chart (pptx)
- L39 Conditions In The Trenches Information For Group Work (doc)
- L18 Glorious Revolution And The Military Campaigns In Ireland (pdf)
- L29 Oliver Cromwell 6 Hats Activity (pdf)
- L4 Edward And Harold Relationship Chart (docx)
- L63 20th And 21st Century Weapons (pdf)
- L8 Control By Castle Overall Geographical Location Worksheet (pptx)
- L42- Women And War Work Homework (pdf)
- L7 Why Did William Win The Battle Of Hastings (pdf)
- L39 Conditions In The Trenches Information For Group Work (pdf)
- L29 Exemplar News Script (doc)
- L8 Homework Castle Task (pdf)
- L38 Conditions In The Trenches Chart (docx)
- L51 Went The Day Well- 1942 Trailer1 (mp4)
- L51 Sources For Students1 (pdf)
- L29 Exemplar News Script (pdf)
- L30 Return Of The King (pdf)
- L41 Resources (pptx)
- L47 Rationing (pdf)
- L48 The Blitz Homework (pdf)
- L59 Flight 93 Trailer 2006 (mp4)
- L32 Glorious Revolution And The Military Campaigns In Ireland (pdf)
- L8 Motte And Bailey Castle Diagram (pdf)
- L40 Weapon Chart (pdf)
- L29 Oliver Cromwell 6 Hats Activity (doc)
- L24 Battle Of Naseby (pdf)
- L25 Roundheads V Cavaliers (pdf)
- L36 Trench Warfare (pptx)
- L24 Edgehill Snowballing Sheet (pdf)
- L8 Control By Castle Key (pptx)
- L6 Battles Of Gate Fulford And Stamford Bridge (pptx)
- L14 King Stephen (pdf)
- L8 Control By Castle Worksheet More Able (pdf)
- L12- Medieval Society And Economy (pptx)
- L44 Room Sources (pdf)
- L36 Trench Warfare Source Activity (pdf)
- L50 Gas Masks And Black Outs (ppt)
- L20 Actions Of Sir Frances Drake Chart (pdf)
- L11 Feudal System And The Church (pptx)
- L41 Resources (pdf)
- L10 The Feudal System Diagram (pdf)
- L53 Module 4 Atomic Bomb Student Handout Lower Ability 1 (pdf)
- L59 9 11 Consequences Chart (pdf)
- L55 Saddam Hussein And Iraq (pptx)
- L18 Information Sheet (pptx)
- L59 September 11 2001 Video (mp4)
- L59 Flight 93 Phone Calls (mp4)
- L5 Market Place Information (pptx)
- L4 The Uprising Against Tostig (mp4)
- L18 Source Sheet (pdf)
- L6 Press Release Stamford Bridge 2 (docx)
- L52 What Was Margaret Thatcher U2019s Role In The Cold War- History Cold War Britain (mp4)
- L59 9 11 Consequences Chart (docx)
- L38 Conditions In The Trenches Chart (pdf)
- L5 Claimants To The Throne Blank Diagram (pdf)
- L6 -1066- The Battle Of Fulford History U2013 The Norman Conquest (mp4)
- L62 How Stable Was Iraq By The End Of President Bush S Presidency (pdf)
- L59 A Look Back At 9-11 (mp4)
- L27 New Model Army And Political Radicalism (pdf)
- L5 Market Place Information (pdf)
- L28 What Should Happen To Charles I (pptx)
- L3 Anglo-Saxon Hierarchy Diagram (docx)
- L52 How Did The Cuban Missile Crisis Affect The Uk- History Cold War Britain 2 (mp4)
- L11 Archbishop Of Canterbury (docx)
- L55 Saddam Hussein S Victims Chart (pdf)
- L47 Rationing (doc)
- L60 War On Terror Afghanistan And Karzai S Government (docx)
- L14 King Stephen (docx)
- L51 Went The Day Well- 1942 Trailer (mp4)
- L40 Weapons Card Sort (pdf)
- L3 How Powerful Was Edward The Confessor (docx)
- L11 Archbishop Of Canterbury Stigand (docx)
- L42 Women And War Work Homework (doc)
- L54 Why Were The West And Russia Interested In Iran And Iraq (pptx)
- L51 Ministry Of Information And Keeping Up Morale (pptx)
- L24 Battle Of Naseby (doc)
- L4 Edward The Confessor And The Succession Crisis (pptx)
- L43 Women Sources (pdf)
- L52 How Did The Cuban Missile Crisis Affect The Uk- History Cold War Britain 1 (mp4)
- L20 Drake Market Place Information (docx)
- L58 Iraq And Al-Qaeda Homework (docx)
- L57 Gulf War (pptx)
- L37 Reality Of Trench Warfare (ppt)
- L51 Ministry Of Information And Keeping Up Morale1 (pptx)
- L40 Battle Scenarios (doc)
- L6 Press Release Stamford Bridge (docx)
- L37 Life In The Trenches (doc)
- L8 Control By Castle Key (pdf)
- L29 Cromwell Sources (pdf)
- L4 Info Hunt Posters (docx)
- L18 Source Sheet (pptx)
- L8 Control By Castle Overall Geographical Location Worksheet (pdf)
- L6 Stamford Bridge 1066 (mp4)
- L30 Return Of The King (doc)
- L22 Charles I Slips Into Civil War (pdf)
- L8 Control By Castle Worksheet More Able (pptx)
- L51 Sources For Students (pdf)
- L31 Ten Minute History The Early British Empire Short Documentary 4 (mp4)
- L3 Anglo Saxon Hierarchy Info Hunt Material (docx)
- L25 New Model Army And Political Radicalism (pdf)
- L28 Newscast Trial Execution Of Charles I 2 (wmv)
- L20 Sir Francis Drake (pptx)
- L63 20th And 21st Century Weapons (docx)
- L36 Trench Diagram To Label (docx)
- L59 9-11 (pptx)
- L37 Trench Life (mp3)
- L32 Glorious Revolution And The Military Campaigns In Ireland (docx)
- L21 Spanish Armada Causes Diagram (docx)
- L27 New Model Army And Political Radicalism (docx)
- L59 9-11 Consequences Wall Info (docx)
- L20 Drake Market Place Information (pdf)
- L51 Tommy Handley Dorothy Summers Mrs (mp4)
- L44 The Great Evacuation Of 1939 (mp4)
- L28 Newscast Trial Execution Of Charles I 3 (wmv)
- L53 Module 4 Atomic Bomb Student Handout Lower Ability 2 (pdf)
- L28 Execution Of Charles I 3 (wmv)
- L29 Cromwell Sources (ppt)
- L9 Legacy Of The Resistance (pptx)
- L28 Execution Of Charles I 2 (wmv)
- L5 Claimants To The Throne (pptx)
- L3 Anglo Saxon Society (mp4)
- L61 Iraq War (pptx)
- L8 Establishing Control (pptx)
- L44 Conscription-Homefront Ww2 (mp4)
- L23 Ranking The Causes Of The Civil War Student Sheet (pptx)
- L8 Revolt And Resistance After 1066 History The Norman Conquest (mp4)
- L44 Preparing For War (pptx)
- L43 Women And War Work (pptx)
- L22 Charles I (pptx)
- L25 New Model Army And Political Radicalism (docx)
- L61 Shock And Awe The Initial Bombing Of Baghdad (mp4)
- L28 Execution Of Charles I 1 (wmv)
- L22 Why Did Charles I Fall Out With Parliament (pdf)
- L24 Civil War Battles (pdf)
- L15 Magna Carta Problems Venn Diagram (pptx)
- L13 Norman Government (pptx)
- L29 The Mark Steel Lectures- Oliver Cromwell (mp4)
- L15 Magna Carta Problems Venn Diagram (pdf)
- L27 Cromwell Levellers (wmv)
- L23 Ranking The Causes Of The Civil War (pptx)
- L22 Why Did Charles I Fall Out With Parliament (pptx)
- L3 Anglo-Saxon Society (pptx)
- L16 Medieval Warfare Wall Information (pptx)
- L52 Module 6 Hiroshima- Dropping The Bomb (mp4)
- L24 Edgehill Snowballing Sheet (doc)
- L3 Anglo Saxon Legal System And Economic Structure (docx)
- L22 Charles I Slips Into Civil War (docx)
- L19 Elizabeth I And The Netherlands (pdf)
- L8 English Luck Or Skill (docx)
- L41 Battle Of The Somme Verdun (pptx)
- L31 Ten Minute History The Early British Empire Short Documentary 2 (mp4)
- L7 Why Did William Win The Battle Of Hastings (docx)
- L31 Ten Minute History The Early British Empire Short Documentary 3 (mp4)
- L17 Medieval Warfare (pptx)
- L29 Oliver Cromwell (pptx)
- L16 Medieval Warfare Wall Information (pdf)
- L7 Battle Of Hastings (pptx)
- L10 Archbishop Of Canterbury Stigand (pdf)
- L11 The Feudal System (mp4)
- L11 Medieval Church (pptx)
- L21 English Luck Or Skill (pdf)
- L20 Actions Of Sir Frances Drake Chart (docx)
- L26 War In The 17th Century (pptx)
- L21 Spanish Armada Causes Diagram (pdf)
- L3 An Exploration Of An Anglo Saxon Village (mp4)
- L23 Ranking The Causes Of The Civil War Student Sheet (pdf)
- L49 Living Through Air Raids History Children Of World War Two (mp4)
- L11 Medieval Church (pdf)
- L15 Magna Carta (pptx)
- L47 Rationing (pptx)
- L25 Roundheads V Cavaliers (doc)
- L24 Battle Of Edgehill (ppt)
- L48 The Blitz Homework (doc)
- L10 Revolt Of The Earls (pptx)
- L31 Jacobite Rebellions (pdf)
- L56 What Is The Irish Republican Army Ira- (mp4)
- L10 Revolt Of The Earls 1075 (docx)
- L8- How William The Conquerer Secured Power After 1066 History The Norman Conquest (mp4)
- L29 Cromwell Hero Or Villain Interpretation (wmv)
- L45 Home Front Preparations (ppt)
- L18 Glorious Revolution And The Military Campaigns In Ireland (docx)
- L24 Civil War Battles (doc)
- L24 Edgehill (wmv)
- L10 The Feudal System Diagram (doc)
- L18 Information Sheet (pdf)
- L31 Jacobite Rebellions 3 Minute History (mp4)
- L25 New Model Army How Significant (wmv)
- L22 Why Did The English Civil War Start- (mp4)
- L9 The Causes And Outcomes Of Anglo Saxon Resistance (docx)
- L19 Increasing Tension With Spain Chart (docx)
- L46 The Home Front Leaflet Task Sheet (doc)
- L49 The Blitz 1940-41 (mp4)
- L35 The Napoleonic War (docx)
- L19 Increasing Tension With Spain Chart (pdf)
- L19 Elizabeth I And The Netherlands (docx)
- L34 Scramble For Africa (pptx)
- L18 Change And Continuity Of Medieval Warfare (pptx)
- L22- Causes Of The English Civil War (pptx)
- L22 Causes Of Civil War Charles I (wmv)
- L31 Jacobite Rebellions (docx)
- L31 Ten Minute History The Early British Empire Short Documentary 1 (mp4)
- L35 The Napoleonic War (pdf)
- L21 Spanish Armada (pptx)
- L49 The Blitz (pptx)
- L34 The Scramble For Africa Timelines (mp4)
- L33 How Scotland Joined Great Britain (mp4)
- L35 Napoleonic Wars In 8 Minutes (mp4)
- L33 The Seven Years War (docx)
- L1 And 2 Viking Attacks On England (pdf)
- L33 Feature History Seven Years War (mp4)
- L33 The Seven Years War (pdf)
- L34 Britain And The Boer War (mp4)
- L19 Anglo-Spanish Relations 1569-88 (pptx)
- L1 And 2 Viking Attacks On England (docx)
- OCR GCSE History Exam Booklets (zip)