Teach SQA Higher Part F: Russia, 1881–1921, no prep needed!
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Part F: Russia, 1881–1921
Development of opposition to autocracy in a large multi-national state, the collapse of the Tsarist regime and the rise of the Bolsheviks during the years 1881–1921.
Themes: ideology, identity and authority
Key issues and description of content
1 An assessment of the security of the Tsarist State before 1905.
- Tsar
- army/Okhrana
- role of the church
- Russification
- political opposition
2 An evaluation of the causes of the 1905 revolution.
- working class discontent
- discontent among the peasantry
- political problems
- military defeat in the war against Japan
- Bloody Sunday
3 An assessment of the attempts to strengthen Tsarism, 1905–14.
- nature of events in 1905
- October manifesto and the Duma
- Repression
- Stolypin’s reforms
- Fundamental Laws
4 An evaluation of the reasons for the February Revolution, 1917.
- role of Tsar Nicholas II
- role of Tsarina Alexandra
- discontent among the working class
- peasant discontent
- impact of the First World War
5 An evaluation of the reasons for the success of the October Revolution, 1917.
- dual power
- decision to continue the war
- political discontent
- land issue
- appeal of Lenin and the Bolsheviks
6 An evaluation of the reasons for the victory of the Reds in the Civil War.
- strengths of the Reds
- disunity among the Whites
- leadership of Lenin
- role of Trotsky
- effects of foreign intervention
Resource Examples
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Lesson Presentation:
Student Assessment: