Teach SQA Higher Part G: USA, 1918–1968, no prep needed!
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Part G: USA, 1918–1968
Development of the Atlantic slave trade in the 18th century, the social and economic consequences of that trade, and its abolition in 1807.
Themes: ideology, rights and conflict.
Key issues and description of content
1 An evaluation of the reasons for changing attitudes towards immigration in the 1920s.
- isolationism
- fear of revolution
- prejudice and racism
- social fears
- economic fears
2 An evaluation of the obstacles to the achievement of civil rights for Black people, up to 1941.
- legal impediments
- popular prejudice
- activities of the Ku Klux Klan
- lack of political influence
- divisions in the Black community
3 An evaluation of the reasons for the economic crisis of 1929–33.
- Republican government policies in the 1920s
- overproduction of goods and underconsumption
- weaknesses of the US banking system
- international economic problems
- Wall Street Crash
4 An assessment of the effectiveness of the New Deal.
- role of Roosevelt and ‘confidence building’
- banking
- agriculture
- industry
- society
5 An evaluation of the reasons for the development of the Civil Rights campaign, after 1945.
- prejudice and discrimination
- experience of Black servicemen in the Second World War
- role of Martin Luther King Jr.
- emergence of effective Black leaders
6 An assessment of the effectiveness of the Civil Rights Movement in meeting the needs of Black Americans, up to 1968.
- roles of NAACP, CORE, SCLC and other civil rights organisations
- changes in federal policy
- social, economic and political changes
- rise of Black radical movements
Resource Examples
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Lesson Presentation:
Student Assessment: