Teach SQA Higher Part C: The Treaty of Union, 1689–1740, no prep needed!
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Part C: The Treaty of Union, 1689–1740
Political and economic change in Scotland, 1689–1740.
Themes: identity, conflict and authority.
Key issues and description of content
1 Worsening relations with England.
- Scotland’s economic problems
- famine
- Darien Scheme and its failure
- incidents leading to worsening relations with England
2 Arguments for and against Union with England.
- religious issues
- Scottish economy
- issue of Scottish identity
- contrasting attitudes in Scotland towards Union
3 Passing of the Act of Union.
- changing attitude of England
- debate over a Federal or Incorporating Union
- negotiations
- passing of the Union by the Scottish Parliament
4 Effects of the Union, to 1740.
- economic effects on agriculture
- economic effects on manufacture
- economic effects on trade
- political effects
Resource Examples
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Lesson Presentation:
Student Assessment: