Edexcel GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 1

Mock exam papers with detailed mark schemes designed for each of the permissible combinations of Edexcel Paper 1: Thematic study and Historic Environment.

Download Edexcel GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 1

As a premium School History member, you can download all of the Edexcel GCSE Exam Booklets Paper 1 modules below:

  • Option 10: Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000–present with the historic environment of Whitechapel, c1870–c1900: crime, policing and the inner city.
  • Option 11: Medicine in Britain, c1250–present, with the historic environment being the British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.
  • Option 12: Warfare and British society, c1250–present, with the historic environment being London and the Second World War, 1939–45.

Paper 1 Downloads and Specifications

For Edexcel Paper 1: Thematic Study and Historic Environment, students are required to write on one option of study.

(NOTE: For the year of 2021, GCSE exams in the UK will not go ahead and will be replaced by a form of teacher-assessed grades. For more information on how these will work, please visit Edexcel’s website.)

Exam Paper Details

In Paper 1, students will write an exam at this 1 hour 15 minutes in length, and consist of 52 marks, which make up 30% of the GCSE total. Paper 1 consists of Section A: Historic Environment, and Section B: Thematic Study. Options for study include:

  • Option 10: Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000–present with the historic environment of Whitechapel, c1870–c1900: crime, policing and the inner city.
  • Option 11: Medicine in Britain, c1250–present, with the historic environment being the British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches.
  • Option 12: Warfare and British society, c1250–present, with the historic environment being London and the Second World War, 1939–45.
  • Option 13: Migrants in Britain, c800–present, with the historic environment being Notting Hill, c1948–c1970.

Edexcel Paper 1 (2021)

Practice exam booklets covering every Edexcel topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the Edexcel mark scheme.

Download All Combinations of Paper 1 2021

Edexcel Paper 1 (2020)

Practice exam booklets covering every Edexcel topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the Edexcel mark scheme.

Download All Combinations of Paper 1 2020