Download History Lesson Plenaries
Click here and download sample of charge our History Lesson Plenary File for KS3 and GCSE.
In a world of rapid changes, studying the past shapes the lense on how we view the present. Historical evidence shines a light on our ability to understand ancient cultures, learn about significant events, know what drove game changers, and how it has influenced our society today.
A lesson plenary is an essential part of learning. This serves as an opportunity for teachers and students to summarise, reflect, correct, and focus on the progress of learning and significance of each topic.
Image Review
The teacher will show a picture (which could be a political cartoon or real image related to the lesson) for two to three minutes. Then, ask the students to provide details that could describe the lesson.
Sort Something Out!
Using a set of cards, let the students sort the information in a specific way, e.g. in chronological order, order of importance, etc.
Ask questions
Using a piece of paper, ask students to write down any question they have on the current topic. Then, put it in a bowl. Pick one question and let the class volunteer for answers.
Listing Keywords
For three minutes, ask the students to list down significant keywords relating to what they have learned in the lesson. Ask for volunteers to share their list while the others are crossing out similar words in their list.
Make a Statement!
After the lesson, ask the students to express a statement of learning or their reflection. Make them explain the reasons why.
Do you Remember?
The teacher will ask students to write down the main points they remember from the lesson. This activity can be done in pairs or in groups. The aim is to summarise content of the lesson.
Hot seat
Ask the class for a volunteer who would take on the role of a historical figure from the current lesson. The class would then ask questions about the lesson.
Take Turns
Group students into four or five and get them to explain certain events of the lesson’s topic. Taking turns could be done by draw lots.
Play Genius!
Group students in pairs. While facing each other (one placed in front of the board), the teacher will write an event, a person, a place, etc. that has been studied. Give them 2-3 minutes to provide clues, while the other one guesses. The student in front of the board can only say “yes, no, or maybe.”
Trivia Time!
The teacher will create a list of historical figures or events and let the students choose which option they could provide a trivia question for, related to the topic discussed.
Snake or Break!
The teacher will ask the students to fall in line and answer questions regarding the topic discussed. If a student gets the correct answer s/he will sit down. If the answer is incorrect, the student will have to go to the back of the line and try again.
In groups of 3-4, the teacher asks students to create an infographic that could best present the topic discussed. Infographic may include magazine cut outs, drawings, online images, etc.
Give Me Five!
Using the Give Me Five finger meaning, the teacher could assess students’ learning at the end of lesson. Through finger signs, a student volunteer will express his/her thoughts in class.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher will divide the class into two and prepare for a debate. After providing guidelines for a debate, the teacher will then set the main premise.
Lights, Camera, Action!
The teacher will ask the students to group themselves into groups of 5-6 and come up with a mini drama summarizing the lesson of the day. The mini drama should include the main points of the topic.
True or False Wall
The teacher will give the class statements included in the discussion. Students who think that the statement is true will go to the True Wall, while those who think otherwise will proceed to the False Wall. Statements should be immediately answered by the teacher to let the students assess their answers.