KS3 History Teaching Resources & Worksheets

Browse our KS3 history teaching resources and revision activities that are specifically for teaching KS3 History in years 7, 8 and 9 (Age 11-14). These are suitable for teachers, homeschoolers or for self learning.

Teach any KS3 topic, no prep needed!

Do you want to save dozens of hours in time? Get your evenings and weekends back? Be fully prepared to teach any KS3 history topic?

Every KS3 topic is covered, and each module comes complete with:

Lesson Presentation

Revision Notes

Student Activities


KS3 History (Age 11-14)

Are you looking for KS3 (11-14 Years) teaching materials to save you time in the classroom? We provide a comprehensive set of teaching materials that covers every single topic option.

Students have to study seven separate areas of history in KS3. Click the topics below to access history teaching worksheets aligned with each area of KS3 history. These can be used by teachers, homeschoolers and self-learners. They are suitable for students aged between 11-14 and include revision material and assessments (with answers).

If you or your school are teaching KS3 History, this bundle is the most complete set of teaching materials available to help you deliver the best lessons for your students. Save hundreds of hours in lesson planning by taking advantage of our completely editable materials today!