Download Eduqas GCSE Exam Booklets Component 1
As a premium School History member, you can download all of the Eduqas GCSE Exam Booklets Component 1 modules below:
- 1A. Conflict and Upheaval: England, 1337-1381
- 1B. The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603
- 1C. Empire, Reform and War: Britain, 1890-1918
- 1D. Austerity, Affluence and Discontent: Britain, 1951-1979
- 1E. The Crusades, c.1095-1149
- and more...
Component 1 Downloads and Specifications
Mock exam papers with detailed mark schemes designed for Eduqas.
(NOTE: For the year of 2021, GCSE exams in the UK will not go ahead and will be replaced by a form of teacher-assessed grades. For more information on how these will work, please visit Eduqas’ website.)
Exam Paper Details
Students following Eduqas are required to write on one option from 1A-D and one option from 1E-H from Component Group 1: Period study with non-British Depth Study. The two options studied must be from different historical eras (Medieval, 500-1500; Early Modern, 1450-1750; and Modern, 1700-present).
The Component 1 exam paper is 2 hours (split into 1 hour each for section A and B). It makes up 50% of the total GCSE.
Topics for Component Group 1 Section A British Studies in Depth are:
- 1A. Conflict and Upheaval: England, 1337-1381
- 1B. The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603
- 1C. Empire, Reform and War: Britain, 1890-1918
- 1D. Austerity, Affluence and Discontent: Britain, 1951-1979
Topics for Component Group 1 Section B Non-British Studies in Depth are:
- 1E. The Crusades, c.1095-1149
- 1F. The Voyages of Discovery and Conquest of the Americas, 1492-1522
- 1G. Germany in Transition, 1919-1939
- 1H. The USA: A Nation of Contrasts, 1910-1929
Eduqas Component 1 (2021)
Practice exam booklets covering every Eduqas topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the Eduqas mark scheme.
Eduqas Component 1 (2020)
Practice exam booklets covering every Eduqas topic, produced by a highly experienced AQA and OCR marker. These are fully sourced and aligned to the Eduqas mark scheme.