Blackamoors in Tudor England KS3 Teaching Resources

Teach any Blackamoors in Tudor England topic, no prep needed!

Do you want to save dozens of hours in time? Get your evenings and weekends back? Be fully prepared to teach any Blackamoors in Tudor England KS3 topic?

Every Blackamoors in Tudor England topic is covered, and each module comes complete with:

Lesson Presentation

Revision Notes

Student Activities


KS3 Blackamoors in Tudor England Resources

Historians have found that numerous people of African origin lived in England not only during the Roman occupation of Britain and the Medieval Period, but also during the Tudor rule. Africans were described by English people in numerous archival sources as Blackamoors. 

Blackamoors took a variety of jobs, lived in cities and rural areas and integrated into English society. They were paid wages and considered free members of the community. The Stuart period marked a shift in the status of Africans in England, as English participation in the slave trade intensified.

A wealth of evidence including letters, legal records and church records of births and deaths has also been discovered by historians, such as Onyeka Nubia, Miranda Kaufmann and Imtiaz Habeeb, revealing that numerous people of African origin lived in England during the Tudor period (1485–1603).

Learn more about Blackamoors in Tudor England through the centuries with our KS3 resources. You’ll find Student Activities, Lesson Presentation, and Revision Notes ready to download below. KS3 resources are ideally suited for Years 7, 8 and 9, or ages 11-14.

Resource Examples

Lesson Presentation:


Student Activities:


Revision Notes:
