Teach any OCR module: International Relations, 1918–1975, no prep needed!
Do you want to save dozens of hours in time? Get your evenings and weekends back? Be fully prepared to teach any OCR GCSE topic A1?
Every OCR topic A1 is covered, and each module comes complete with:
International Relations: the changing international order 1918–1975
The focus of the period study is on the unfolding narrative of international relations from 1918–1975. Learners will study the substantial developments and issues associated with this period, in order to understand the forces and events which shaped the 20th and early 21st century world and how these forces and events have come to shape our world.
Conflict and co-operation 1918–1939
- The Versailles Peace Settlement; the League of Nations in the 1920s; international agreements in the 1920s
(Dawes Plan 1924, Locarno 1925, Kellogg-Briand 1928, Young Plan 1929); attempts at disarmament. - The impact of the worldwide economic depression.
- Tension in Europe in the 1930s, including the failure of the League of Nations, the policy of Appeasement and
outbreak of war in 1939.
The Cold War in Europe 1945–1961: Rising Tensions
- Actions of the USSR in Eastern Europe 1945–1948 and response of USA and its allies, including conferences at
Yalta and Potsdam. - The division of Germany; the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan; the Berlin Blockade and Airlift.
- Development of NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
- The building of the Berlin Wall 1961 and its effects on international relations.
Cold War confrontations and conflict 1954–1975
- The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962.
- Origins of US involvement in Vietnam 1954-65.
- The Vietnam War: US tactics and their consequences; Vietcong tactics and their consequences.
- US withdrawal from Vietnam including opposition in the USA to the war.
- The end of the war and its impact on international relations.
This module download also includes the following teaching resources:
- L18 Kgb Tactics Table (pptx)
- L9 Group Packs (pptx)
- L18 Table Questions (pptx)
- L18 My Lai Source (pptx)
- L8 Difference Between Nations Statements (pptx)
- L9 Hungarian Uprising (pptx)
- L16 Brezhnev Doctrine (pptx)
- L16 Prague Spring Information Sheet (pdf)
- L17 Solidarity Movement Poland 1989 (mp4)
- L16 Prague Spring Information Sheet (pptx)
- L10 Truman Doctrine And Marshall Plan Information Sheet (pptx)
- L16 What Was The Prague Spring- (mp4)
- L11 Berlin Airlift Fact File (pdf)
- L20 Gorbachev Information (pptx)
- L5 British Declaration Of War Radio Broadcast 3 Sept 1939 1 (mp4)
- L16 Czechoslovakia 1968 (pptx)
- L18 Cia Group Information (pptx)
- L18 Table Questions (pdf)
- L11 Cominform And Comecon Information Sheet (pdf)
- L7 Warsaw Pact (pptx)
- L8 Difference Between Nations Statements (pdf)
- L18 Kgb Tactics Table (pdf)
- L18 Cia Group Information (pdf)
- L12 Source Pictures For Students (pptx)
- L8 Ideological Differences (pptx)
- L9 Timeline Information (pptx)
- L2 League Of Nations Additional Source Homework (pdf)
- L2 League Of Nations Chart (pptx)
- L19 Soviet War In Afghanistan (docx)
- L20 Gorbachev Information (pdf)
- L9 Timeline Information (pdf)
- L18 My Lai Source (pdf)
- L6 Road To Wwii Worksheet (pdf)
- L18 My Lai Timeline Information (pdf)
- L13 John F (mp4)
- L16 Brezhnev Doctrine (pdf)
- L17 Solidarity (pptx)
- L9 Group Packs (pdf)
- L18 My Lai Timeline Information (pptx)
- L19 Soviet War In Afghanistan (pdf)
- L12 Source Information For Students (pptx)
- L10 Truman Doctrine And Marshall Plan Information Sheet (pdf)
- L1 Aims Of The Big Three Fill In (pdf)
- L6 Road To Wwii Worksheet (docx)
- L8 Ideological Differences Worksheet Low Ability Sheet (pdf)
- L18 Kent State Shootings Lesson Material (pdf)
- L18 Anti-Vietnam Reasons (pdf)
- L18 How The Vietminh Fought In Vietnam Information (pptx)
- L11 Cominform And Comecon (pptx)
- L18 How The Vietminh Fought In Vietnam Information (pdf)
- L15 How Effectively Did The Usa Contain The Spread Of Communism (docx)
- L7 Tehran Yalta And Potsdam Conferences (pptx)
- L3 International Agreements In The 1920s (docx)
- L5 Appeasement Ariana Grande One Last Time Parody Mrbettsclass 1 (mp4)
- L21 The Rise Of The Taliban And The Origins Of Al-Qaeda (pdf)
- L6 The Berlin Blockade 10m (mp4)
- L9 Us-Soviet Relations (pptx)
- L2 League Of Nations Additional Source Homework (doc)
- L12 Source Pictures For Students (pdf)
- L2 League Task Sheet (pdf)
- L3 International Agreements In The 1920s (pdf)
- L11 Berlin Airlift Fact File (docx)
- L21 The Rise Of The Taliban And The Origins Of Al-Qaeda (docx)
- L24 Us Withdrawal From Vietnam (pptx)
- L18 Failure Of Vietnamisation Fact Sheet (pdf)
- L15 How Effectively Did The Usa Contain The Spread Of Communism (pdf)
- L1 Issues For The Victors After Wwi (pdf)
- L2 League Task Sheet (docx)
- L6 Berlin Crisis (pptx)
- L6 Nazi Foreign Policy- Hitler S Foreign Policy Goals 1933 1 (mp4)
- L18 Anti-Vietnam Reasons (pptx)
- L14 The History Of The Cuban Missile Crisis Matthew A (mp4)
- L20 Gorbachev And The End Of The Cold War (pptx)
- L12 Source Information For Students (pdf)
- L2 League Of Nations Chart (pdf)
- L13 Berlin Wall (pptx)
- L6 Hitler S Foreign Policy (pptx)
- L10 Truman Doctrine And Marshall Plan (pptx)
- L18 Us And Vietnam (pptx)
- L6 Nazi Germany Foreign Policy (pptx)
- L10 Student Fill In Sheet Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan And Soviet Response (pdf)
- L14 Cuban Missile Crisis (pptx)
- L1 Issues For The Victors After Wwi (docx)
- L1 Aims Of The Big Three Fill In (docx)
- L4 Great Depression (pptx)
- L1 Aims Of The Big Three Chart (docx)
- L5 Appeasement (pptx)
- L2 League Of Nations (pptx)
- L1 Aims Of The Big Three Chart (pdf)
- L1 Treaty Of Versailles (pptx)
- OCR GCSE History Exam Booklets (zip)