Teach any OCR module A2:1 : Migration to Britain c.1000 to c.2010, no prep needed!
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A2:1 Migration to Britain c.1000 to c.2010
This thematic study focuses on patterns of change and continuity in Migration to Britain over a long period of British history, c.1000–c.2010. This includes a broad sweep of time in which British social, cultural, economic and political life has been shaped by continually changing patterns of migration.
- Population diversity in England before 1066; the impact of the Norman Conquest;
- Resistance to the Normans in William’s reign.
- Jews in England: their first arrival in 1066 and their treatment and experiences until their expulsion in 1290.
- Immigrants in England during the Middle Ages: the lives and impact of resident ‘aliens’; their treatment by the authorities and the population generally; the extent to which they integrated.
- Africans in sixteenth-century England: reasons for their arrival; their experiences.
- The foundation of the East India Company and arrivals from the Indian subcontinent – lascar and other Asian merchant seamen, child servants and ayahs, including how they arrived and their lives in England.
- The growth of African communities in Britain: reasons including the Royal African Company and the trade in enslaved Africans, loss of the American colonies and the expansion of the British Empire.
- The readmission of Jews in 1656 and their experiences;
- Religious refugees – the arrival of Protestant refugees from the 1670s including the Huguenots and the Palatines: their reasons for emigrating, their reception, their impact, and the extent of their assimilation.
- Impact of the Industrial Revolution on migration: Irish and Scottish internal migrants to England; the impact of migrants on political movements including the Abolition movement and the Chartists;
- Eastern European Jewish immigrants, their experiences and impact.
- The process of naturalisation and denization: government legislation on immigration and nationality, including the Naturalisation Act of 1870.
- The continued growth of diverse port communities in the early twentieth century.
- Government legislation in the first half of the twentieth century: the reasons for, and impact of, the Aliens Act 1905, the Status of Aliens Act 1914 and the British Nationality Act 1948.
- The arrival of Jewish refugees in the 1930s; different attitudes towards Jews in Britain in the 1930s; the experiences of migrants and their descendants during the two world wars; the experience of Poles who settled in Britain after the Second World War.
- Commonwealth migration after the Second World War: the varied reasons for this immigration; the impact of immigrants; the experiences of immigrants; the resulting debate over immigration – political racism and antiracism; the impact of race relations legislation and immigration controls including the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act and the 1981 British Nationality Act.
- Immigration as a political issue c.1990–c.2010: the debate over a ‘multi-cultural society’; attitudes towards, and treatment of, political refugees and asylum seekers; the issues raised by EU ‘open borders’.
Historic Environment: Spitalfields, London
- When immigrant groups arrived, why and from where
- How immigrants were received by settled populations
- The experiences of immigrants, including daily lives and occupations
- Key events in local migration history
- The impact of migration on the area
This module download also includes the following teaching resources:
- Module 2 Warren Hastings Biography (docx)
- Module 1 Language And Culture Of Norman Society (docx)
- Module 2 Duke Of Sutherland (doc)
- Module 1 Revolt Of The Earls 1075 (docx)
- Module 1 The Causes And Outcomes Of Anglo Saxon Resistance (docx)
- Module 1 Motte And Bailey Key Words (pptx)
- Module 1 Motte And Bailey Castle Diagram (pptx)
- Module 1 Control By Castle Overall Geographical Location Worksheet (pdf)
- Module 1 The Normans And Monasticism (docx)
- Module 1 Language And Culture Of Norman Society (pdf)
- Module 1 Control By Castle Worksheet More Able (pptx)
- Module 1 Revolt Of The Earls (pptx)
- Module 2 Triangular Slave Trade In 60 Seconds (mp4)
- Module 2 Triangular Slave Route To Annotate (pdf)
- Module 1 Control By Castle Key (pptx)
- Module 2 Irish Famine And Migration (doc)
- Module 2 Effects Of British Rule In India -Ikenschool (mp4)
- Module 1 Motte And Bailey Castle Diagram (pdf)
- Module 1 Motte And Bailey Key Words (pdf)
- Module 1 Control By Castle Key (pdf)
- Module 1 Revolt And Resistance After 1066 History The Norman Conquest (mp4)
- Module 2 Duke Of Sutherland (pdf)
- Module 1 Control By Castle Overall Geographical Location Worksheet (pptx)
- Module 1 Revolt Of The Earls 1075 (pdf)
- Module 2 Moving To The Colonies Miley Cyrus-13 Colonies Parody Mrbettsclass (mp4)
- Module 1 The Causes And Outcomes Of Anglo Saxon Resistance (pdf)
- Module 2 Warren Hastings Biography (pdf)
- Module 1 Medieval Realms 01 07 Saxon Uprising And Harrying Of North (mp4)
- Module 1 Life In Anglo Saxon Britain History The Story Of Britain (mp4)
- Module 2 Who Won The American Revolution-- Crash Course Us History 7 (mp4)
- Module 1 Legacy Of The Resistance (pptx)
- Module 2 American Revolution Animated Kids Lesson No More Kings Schoolhouse Rock (mp4)
- Module 1 The Normans And Monasticism (pdf)
- Module 2 The Story Behind The Boston Tea Party Ben Labaree (mp4)
- Module 1 Homework Castle Task (pptx)
- Module 2 Irish Famine And Migration (pdf)
- Module 2 Triangular Slave Trade Information Gathering Sheet (pdf)
- Module 2 Triangular Slave Trade Information Gathering Sheet (docx)
- Module 2- The Atlantic Slave Trade (mp4)
- Module 2 Impact Of British Rule On India (docx)
- Module 2 Kenyans Flee To Britain Case Study (docx)
- Module 2 Causes And Effects Of The American Revolution (docx)
- Module 1 Homework Castle Task (pdf)
- Module 2 War Of Independence (pptx)
- Module 2 Highland Clearances (ppt)
- Module 2 Triangular Slave Route To Annotate (docx)
- Module 2 Reasons For Migrating To Britain Over The Years Chart (docx)
- Module 1 How William The Conquerer Secured Power After 1066 History The Norman Conquest (mp4)
- Module 2 Impact Of British Rule On India (pdf)
- Module 1 Battle Of Hastings (pdf)
- Module 2 Ugandans Flee To Britain Case Study (docx)
- Module 2 Bingo Plenary (doc)
- Module 2 Emigration From Wales (pptx)
- Module 3 Experiences Of Immigrants In Britain 1950s And 1960s Copy (pptx)
- Module 2 Fact Files (doc)
- Module 1 Battle Of Hastings (pptx)
- Module 2 Reasons For Migrating To Britain Info Hunt Posters (pdf)
- Module 2 John Adams Boston Massacre (mp4)
- Module 2 The Middle Passage (mp4)
- Module 1 Establishing Control (pptx)
- Module 2 Triangular Slave Trade (pptx)
- Module 2 Bingo Plenary (pdf)
- Module 1 Battle Of Hastings (docx)
- Module 2 Revolt Of 1857 (mp4)
- Module 2 Reasons For Migrating To Britain Info Hunt Posters (docx)
- Module 1 Assessment (pptx)
- Module 2 Immigration In Britain 1750 1850 2 (mp4)
- Module 2 How Did The British Gain Control Of India- History Empire (mp4)
- Moule 3 Group Task Instructions (pdf)
- Module 2 East India Company History Mocomi Kids (mp4)
- Module 1 Control By Castle Worksheet More Able (pdf)
- Module 2 Irish Famine (pptx)
- Module 2 Reasons For Migrating To Britain Over The Years Chart (pdf)
- Module 2 Ugandans Flee To Britain Case Study (pdf)
- Module 3 20th Century Immigration Acts (pdf)
- Moule 3 Group Task Instructions (docx)
- Module 2 The Empire Windrush Case Study (pdf)
- Module 2 The Empire Windrush Case Study (docx)
- Module 3 -The Development Of A Multi-Racial Britain (docx)
- Module 2 Kenyans Flee To Britain Case Study (pdf)
- Module 2 Fact Files (pdf)
- Module 3 Jewish Immigrants In Britain During The 1930s (pdf)
- Module 3 Immigration Acts (pdf)
- Module 1 Anglo Saxon Society (mp4)
- Module 3 Race Relations In The 1970s (docx)
- Module 3 Immigration Acts (docx)
- Module 2 East India Company (pptx)
- Module 3 Jewish Immigrants In Britain During The 1930s (docx)
- Module 3 Race Relations In The 1970s (pdf)
- Module 2 Why Have People Migrated To Britain Over Time (pptx)
- Module 3 -The Development Of A Multi-Racial Britain (pdf)
- Module 3 20th Century Immigration Acts (docx)
- Module 2 Jewish Immigrants In London (ppt)
- Module 1 Anglo-Saxon Society (pptx)
- Module 3 Experiences Of Immigrants In Britain 1950s And 1960s (pptx)
- Module 1 An Exploration Of An Anglo Saxon Village (mp4)
- Module 2 Immigration In Britain 1750 1850 (mp4)
- Module 3 Race Relations Act 1976 (mp4)
- Module 1 Persecution Of The Jews (pptx)
- Module 3 Teachers Tv- Post-War Britain- Race Relations (mp4)
- Module 3 Shameful Episode Aka Racial Riots 1958 (mp4)
- OCR GCSE History Exam Booklets (zip)