History Worksheets and Resources for Teachers

Featured Worksheets

Looking for the current most popular worksheets and resources being used by teachers just like you? Here are the most popular worksheets this month.

Latest Worksheets

We add dozens of new worksheets and materials for history teachers every month. Below are the latest materials published to the site.

Crime and Punishment Walk the Plank Game

The Normans in Ireland Penalty Shootout Game

Mines and Mining Fling the Teacher Game

Pre-Revolutionary Russia Walk the Plank Game

Causes of World War 1 Revision

On 28 June 1914 a Serbian shot an Austrian and, within 6 weeks, caused a war that led to the deaths of 10,000,000 soldiers. Why did this happen?

Oliver Cromwell Hoopshoot Game

Castles: Attacking and Defending Hoopshoot Game

AS French Revolution Revision Walk the Plank Game

Leadup to World War II Penalty Shootout Game

The Agricultural Revolution Walk the Plank Game

Age of Exploration Hangman Game

Causes of the English Civil War Penalty Shootout Game

Railways Walk the Plank Game

Divide Union Penalty Shootout Game

The Vietnam War Penalty Shootout Game

Christopher Columbus Walk the Plank Game

Tribes of Mesoamerica Fling the Teacher Game

Crime and Punishment 1750-1900 Penalty Shootout Game

Texas History Walk the Plank Game

England in the 1500s Penalty Shootout Game

Early Ages Penalty Shootout Game

Medicine through Time Hangman Game

Ancient Greek Medicine Beat ‘da Bomb Game

Battle of Little Bighorn

The ‘Terrible’ Tudors Penalty Shootout Game

World War I Penalty Shootout Game

Abraham Lincoln Walk the Plank Game

Early Stuarts and English Civil War Duckshoot Game

Industrial Revolution Fling the Teacher Game

The Great Plague Hangman Game

Road to World War II Fling the Teacher Game

Ancient Medicine Penalty Shootout Game

The Byzantine Empire Walk the Plank Game

The Romans Noughts and Crosses Game

Witches and Witchcraft Walk the Plank Game

The USA Reform 1820-1860

Germany 1918-1939 Duckshoot Game

Henry II and Thomas Becket Duckshoot Game

Crime and Punishment 1500-1750 Penalty Shootout Game

Catherine the Great Walk the Plank Game