History Worksheets and Resources for Teachers

Featured Worksheets

Looking for the current most popular worksheets and resources being used by teachers just like you? Here are the most popular worksheets this month.

Latest Worksheets

We add dozens of new worksheets and materials for history teachers every month. Below are the latest materials published to the site.

Origins of World War I Fling the Teacher Game

The Romans Walk the Plank Game

Claims to the Throne in 1066 Walk the Plank Game

French Revolution Fling the Teacher Game

Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots Penalty Shootout Game

SuperPower Relations Grade or No Grade Game

The Chartist Experience 1838-1850 Hangman Game

Roman Trivia Fling the Teacher Game

Medieval Times: England 1066-1500 Penalty Shootout Game

Ancient Rome Fling the Teacher Game

The Norman Conquest Hangman Game

Child Labour Penalty Shootout Game

Great Fire of London Fling the Teacher Game

King John Penalty Shootout Game

Famous People from Medicine through Time Walk the Plank Game

Henry VIII Penalty Shootout Game

Slave Trade Triangle Penalty Shootout Game

Peasants’ Revolt Hoopshoot Game

The Great Plague Fling the Teacher Game

The Rise of Adolf Hitler Walk the Plank Game

The Great Depression Walk the Plank Game

Hitler and the Origins of WW2 Walk the Plank Game

Ancient Egypt Fling the Teacher Game

The Early Cold War Penalty Shootout Game

Industrial Revolution Penalty Shootout Game

Impact of World War II on Singapore Penalty Shootout Game

James IV of Scotland Penalty Shootout Game

US Civil War Penalty Shootout Game

Weimary Germany: Revolutions in Germany Walk the Plank Game

Custer and the Battle of Little Bighorn Hangman Game

The USA 1918-1945 Duckshoot Game

The French Revolution 2 Walk the Plank Game

Agricultural Revolution Fling the Teacher Game

Early Exploration and Settlement Walk the Plank Game

Black People of America Noughts and Crosses Game

The Tudors Duckshoot Game

Slavery Duckshoot Game

Medieval Medicine Penalty Shootout Game

Italy After World War I Walk the Plank Game

Nazi Germany Penalty Shootout Game